Brad Walls
Brad Walls (born in 1992, Sidney) is an award-winning Australian aerial photographer who’s best known for his distinctive use of color and geometric harmony in all of his photographs.
Gallery Photographs are pleased to present the selection of 27 works from his multiple series since 2018. Hope you enjoy her amazing creations along with the exclusive interview with him!
ブラッド・ウォールズ 氏(1992年シドニー生まれ)は、 多くの賞を受賞しているオーストラリアの航空写真家であり、すべての写真において色彩と幾何学的な調和を用いた独特の表現で知られています。
この度Gallery Photographsでは、2018年から現在までの彼の複数の作品シリーズからセレクトした27点の作品をご紹介します。インタビュー記事と合わせてお楽しみください!
-Firstly, will you tell us how you started photography?
My mum had a camera around the house which I occasionally played with, but nothing serious happened until I bought the DJI Mavic pro at the end of 2017.
I also found myself experimenting with the post-production side of photography and design using Lightroom and Photoshop and even dipped my toes into 3D CAD software.
母親が家に持っていたカメラで時々遊んでいましたが、2017年末にDJI Mavic proを購入するまで、本格的なことは何もしていませんでした。
また、LightroomやPhotoshopを使って写真やデザインのポストプロダクション側を試したり、3D CADソフトウェアに足を踏み入れたりもしていました。
-Where is the main base of your current activity as a photographer?
Conceptualizing and post production which takes up about 70-80% of my time. The actual shooting of the photoshoot is the least consuming.
I spend quite a significant amount of time marketing myself and my work.
-Please tell us about the selection of your photographic works for this exhibition.
I have provided Gallery Photographs a diverse range of images from multiple series’ since 2018. Notable works are from ‘Pools From Above’, ‘Detached, in Harmony’, ‘Vacant’ and many others.
All of the images represent a portion of my work, whether that be my love for the blue hues of pools or the love for geometric patterns found in my sport work.
Gallery Photographsには、2018年からの複数のシリーズから多様な画像を提供しています。注目していただきたい作品は、「Pools From Above」、「Detached, in Harmony」、「Vacant」等のシリーズ作品です。
-Your preferred artistic medium is Aerial Photography, but what part of the creative process do you enjoy most, and what do you find most challenging?
I enjoy the conceptualization phase by far. It’s a moment for my mind to truly freely associate without any boundaries.
Executing the photoshoot is probably the most challenging part, as I put a lot of expectations on myself to conduct every scene that I have sketched.
Sometimes I fall short or sometimes I have too much time and wish I would have brought more ideas to the shoot.
-The concept of each work series is very unique and impressive, how do you usually come up to these ideas?
I have a large collection of different images/drawings on my pinterest board that have been collected over many years.
From these sources of inspiration, I try and create a theme with one or two images and try and think of pushing the imagery further in that theme, but with my own spin on it.
-Do you have any particular preference regarding cameras (equipment) you use?
No, I don’t consider myself a gear enthusiast photographer. If the camera gets the job done, then that’s more than what I need.
-Are you currently working as an artist? Or do you also do editorial, advertisement and other commercial works?
Solely artistry.
-主にアーティストとして活動されていますか? もしくは雑誌や広告などのお仕事もされていますか?
-Is there any artist or photographer that has inspired your works?
Not really photographers or artists, but more motivational figures. I actually try and look at less art and photography to keep my mind clear.
-Are you interested in Japan? Any Japanese Artist you know?
I am very interested in Japan, I’ve had much support over the years. I would love to do a show.
– Please tell us if you have something you want to do in the future or any project you already have in mind.
I am currently working towards a large body of work looking at the art of the ballerina aiming for a publication of 80 images.
I’ve worked with the New York City Ballet, English National Ballet and plan on two more companies.
Ballet is intricate and detailed, hence it has taken me some time to really understand how to formulate such a large series.
Each company will have a slightly different aesthetic, but ultimately it will all feel like my work. I am very excited for this project to be finished at the end of 2023.
Brad Walls was born in Sydney in 1992. Despite studying Science, his preferred artistic medium is Aerial Photography. From 2019 to the present, Brad has been refining his style garnering international acclaim, setting new precedents in photographic expression. Defining a new era of Aerial Photography and the recipient of several prestigious awards, Brad has attracted features in Washington Post, Guardian, CNN, New York Times and multiple other publications around the world; his work is frequently in the limelight of social media. Brad’s reputation also recently earned him a front cover of Signature Luxury Travel and featured spread in Aesthetica Magazine & Vanity Fair.
His new photo book ‘Pools From Above’ will be available in October:
ブラッド・ウォールズは1992年シドニー生まれ。科学を学びながらも、彼が好んだ芸術的媒体は空撮写真でした。2019年から現在に至るまで、ブラッドは国際的な賞賛を集めながらそのスタイルに磨きをかけ、写真表現における新たな先例を作ってきました。空撮写真の新しい時代を定義し、いくつか権威ある賞を受賞したブラッドは、ワシントン・ポスト、ガーディアン、CNN、ニューヨーク・タイムズ、その他世界中の複数のメディアで特集を組まれ、彼の作品はソーシャルメディアでも頻繁に脚光を浴びています。また、最近では、Signature Luxury Travelの表紙を飾り、Aesthetica MagazineとVanity Fairで特集が組まれるなど、その評判は非常に高いものとなっています。