Erik Östensson
The Swedish photographer Erik Östensson is known for his surrealistic, deceptively simple, and unique pictorial compositions. His poetically performative images reveal an emotional interplay in
the depiction of the interaction between people, objects, and landscapes. Everything appears to be interconnected in harmonious coexistence, whereby new relationships in materials and form
develop. Östensson encourages the viewer to discard learned habits of seeing and to look with the eyes of a child, who has only just begun to discover the world. Past notions are superseded, and
the meaning of known objects expanded.
スウェーデン人フォトグラファー エリック・オステンソン氏は、シュールレアリズム(超現実主義)的で一見シンプルかつユニークな絵画のような構図で知られています。彼の詩的でパフォーマティブ(遂行為行的)な作品
-First, will you tell us how you started photography?
I grew up in northern Sweden, in the countryside outside the city of Umeå. There, nature is always close. When I grew up I spent a lot of time in it. I was often lonely during high school and the
family dog was my closest friend. We walked in the woods together. It was during this period that I started making photos. Over the years my reasons for why I do photography has changed many
times. At that time, it was the beauty of nature that interested me.
-Please tell us about the selection of works you have chosen for this exhibition.
All pictures in this exhibition are part of a project that I worked on for almost ten years. The project was published as a book during the summer of 2019 at the German publisher Kehrer Verlag.
-What messages do you want to convey to viewers through these images?
When looking at our surroundings, we fill it with our own notions. The physical objects or bodies are constant, independent of our interpretations of their meaning. Without these simplifications,
we would not be able to maneuver in the complexity of the world. But at the same time, it makes us see or experience only a fraction of our environment.
-Many of your works seems to have been photographed in very unique contexts and from interesting angles, but how do you usually come up to these ideas?
Based on the answer for the privious question, I want to create images where the viewer can see it anew. I do this by depicting objects from a new angle and by putting them in a new context.
Hopefully past notions are replaced and the meaning of familiar objects get an opportunity to expand. In this way a new contact can be created between the objects and the viewer.
-What part of the creative process do you enjoy most, and what do you find most challenging?
I use a lot of time to create pictures. First, I get an inner picture. It is often very unclear at this stage. Often, I have seen, heard or read something that created the inner image. To prevent myself
from “loosing” the picture, I describe it with words. The texts often consist of one or a few sentences. The words help me remembering the picture, and the picture can exist as text for a long time.
From time to time I read the texts to see if any picture has become any clearer. It can take months or even years before I manage to create conditions for the image to take physical shape. When I
finally create the picture, I rarely know if I succeeded. Often, I have to let it linger for a while. During this time, I work with the image digitally to see if I can find the right expression. I look at the
picture a lot trying to get used to it. Sometimes I realize that it did not turn out as I wanted. Then the process starts all over again. Some pictures in the book needed many attempts before I
succeeded. Meaning, in some cases I have worked with a single image for years. The pictures eventually become acquaintances that I spent a lot of time with and know well.
For me, all part of making photography is interconnected and I find it difficult to pinpoint which part of the process I like and which part is challenging. My answer would be that I enjoy all stages of
making photography, but that they can be challenging at the same time.
同じプロセスを繰り返します。写真集の中の幾つかの作品は、何度もこのプロセスを必要としました。つまり、ある意味 私は何年もの間 同じイメージで作業を繰り返してきたということです。それらの作品は次第に多くの
-Are you currently working as an artist? Or do you also do editorial, advertisement or other commercial works?
I am not doing any editorial, advertisement or other commercial work. I did that when I was fresh out of school but I realized that I wasn´t that interested of the photographic technique. I was
more interested in people and issues related to growing, socializing and how meaning is created in people’s lives. For me, the camera is just a tool and I use it to research things that interest me.
Therefore, I chose to educate myself and work as a teacher to earn a living.
−主にアーティストとして活動されていますか? もしくは雑誌や広告などのお仕事もされていますか?
-Is there any artist or photographer that has inspired your works?
Over the years I have been inspired by many different photographers. Seeing and learning from others I think is an important part of developing as an artist / photographer. Six months ago I moved
from Sweden to Norway. A very interesting Norwegian artist is that you should check out is Torbjørn Rødland.
-Are you interested in Japan? Any Japanese Artist you know?
When I was younger I had a period when I practiced Zen-meditation. For a while I also lived in a Buddhist monastery. As this was a Japanese tradition, I also became interested in Japanese culture.
– Please tell us if you have something you want to do in the future or any project you already have in mind.
I have never visited Japan and I would love to visit during a residence to get to know the culture better.