Inês Fernandes
Portuguese Photographer Inês Fernandes works in graphic design, video and photography, and her projects deal with contemporary themes with a focus on social and environmental issues.
Her ongoing project 「Pneuma」started from the photographs of an archive – a sole woman, sanctified by the people, mirror of so many other characters that through times have been
nourishing the sense of believing of generations – growing to a fictional Interpretation of reality, exploring and confronting faith and beliefs, which such have deep roots in society.
現在進行中のプロジェクト「Pneuma」は、ある古文書の写真 —時代を超えて世代の信仰心を育んできた多くの人物の鏡となり人々によって聖人化された一人の女性の写真− を見つけたことからスタートしました。
– Firstly, will you tell us how you started photography?
I started taking photographs more often during my graduation years in Portugal. The course contained a small photography module, which turned out to be the driving spring for my photographic
journey. From that moment onwards, being side by side with the camera was a reality for me, so much so that in every glimpse of beauty I saw, there was also a photograph. And then everything
happened in a natural succession. I entered the Institute of Cultural Production and Image (IPCI) in Portugal, to attend the Professional Course of Photography and then a Master.
− まず、写真を始めたきっかけを教えていただけますか?
– Where is the main base of your current activity as a photographer?
I am based in Portugal.
− 写真家としての現在の活動拠点はどちらですか?
– Please tell us about the selection of your photographic images for this exhibition.
Most of the pictures in this exhibition are part of my project “Pneuma”, which have the following description:
“From the very moment he is born til the day he dies, Man oscillates between darkness and light. Going forward and backwards. He falls and he rises. But it’s in the glimpse of difference that he
finds the support and the strength that lead him all through the way. The on-going project started from the photographs of an archive – a sole woman, sanctified by the people, mirror of so many
other characters that through times have been nourishing the sense of believing of generations – growing to a fictional Interpretation of reality, exploring and confronting faith and beliefs, which
such have deep roots in society.The narrative is based upon the analysis of the transformation of the life and path of a person and in the influence of that being in the life of others, leading to
beliefs and penances that transform themselves in hope. All along the series a number of situations are displayed. They show suffering, despair, obstacles, choices, rupture, change, the prevailing
of good before evil, death, etc. That’s how the ideary is established bringing the viewer to a sensorial and spiritual world.”
The last two pictures make part of another project where I want to talk about the relation between Man, Earth, and Cosmos. I had to put it on pause, however I feel the urge to continue, as soon as
I can, because more than ever I think is important to perform some synergies that could lead us to any positive change.
− この度の展覧会で紹介させていただいている作品についてお聞かせください。
– What messages do you want to convey to viewers through these images?
I aim to take pictures that pose questions to others, and evoke feelings close to what I’m trying to convey, but also invite them, by way of re-contextualization and appropriation, to create new
meanings and/or conclusions. In this sense, there is an expansion in relation to what an image is – it exists, but it seems that it comes to have another dimension – allowing us to look at objects,
places and even people in a different way. I think it’s all about allegories and subjectivity. Always a very personal vision, never an absolute truth.
− これらの作品を通して、鑑賞者に伝えたいことは何ですか?
– Many of your works gives us somehow sincere and sacred impression. Is there anything you’re particular about when creating your works?
Maybe you get that impression because I usually look for a narrative based on realness. I do research upon real documentation and listen to different people to understand and outline the content.
And as my projects come from the urge to indulge my curiosity, I believe the backdrop is a sincere and honest process.
− あなたの作品からはどこか誠実で神聖な印象を受けますが、作品制作において何かこだわっている点はありますか?
– What part of the creative process do you enjoy most, and what do you find most challenging?
As to what can be the most challenging, I think it varies. Sometimes it’s translating some of my thoughts and emotions into captivating images, other times linking the different parts to form a
cohesive whole… and all the other steps that you have to face. But for me that’s what being creative is all about, the process is constantly changing. What you find difficult changes with the
context and with the shooting moment.
However, I think what draws me the most pleasure is letting my instincts flow and let them conduct the shooting process. There are times where I can, in just one shot, capture exactly what I
pictured in my head and everything comes together naturally, while sometimes the moment itself presents me with possibilities I had not consider. For me, it’s being in this limbo state between
the expected and the unexpected that I enjoy most.
− 制作過程において、最も楽しんでいらっしゃることは何ですか?また、最も難しいと感じることは何でしょうか?
– Are you currently working as an artist? Or do you also do editorial, advertisement and other commercial works?
I am not doing any editorial, advertisement or other commercial work at the moment. I did work as a photojournalist for a few months, and even though I enjoyed the experience, I also realized
that it wasn’t what I wanted to do on a day-to-day basis. Although I can’t say that I wouldn’t like to do some advertising work, but one where I would be allowed to have some creative freedom.
So right now I’m only working on personal projects while simultaneously working as a freelancer in graphic design and video editing.
− 主にアーティストとして活動されていますか? もしくは雑誌や広告などのお仕事もされていますか?
– Is there any artist or photographer that has inspired your works?
I believe that, when we talk about influence, we have to take in consideration the fact that every single image can be a source of inspiration. When I think about this, the same quote always
resonates in my brain. A quote from the painter Jean-Michel Basquiat where he says that influence is “simply someone’s idea going through my new mind”.
So yes, a lot of artists and photographers, both well known and contemporary, have had a great impact on me, for various reasons. I can enumerate a few, like Viviane Sassen, Max Pinckers,
Marton Perlaki, Erwin Wurm, Lothar Baumgarten, Dorothea Lange.
− 作品制作に影響を受けたアーティストや写真家はいらっしゃいますか?
– Are you interested in Japan? Any Japanese Artist you know?
It’s a reality known to me mainly through cinematography, but I like the idea of one day witnessing the Japanese culture and environment in real-time. And I think that once there, I would like to
go beyond the city limits, to the countryside and maybe challenge myself with the camera there.
Recently I saw ‘Tokyo Story’, a movie from Yasujiro Ozu, which I find hard not to describe like a masterpiece -profoundly moving. I really appreciate the cinematographer Hirokazu Koreeda works
too. And of course, all other artists have their fair-share of interest for me, such as Hiroshi Sugimoto, Araki, Tokihiro Sato, Tomoo Gokita and more.
− 日本に興味はありますか?好きな日本人アーティストはいますか?
– Please tell us if you have something you want to do in the future or any project you already have in mind.
Recently I started focusing on a new series about anxiety. It’s a hard topic to bring up, but trying to be more open about everything is a way to cope. So I’ll explore performances of fear, sadness
and all that it involves.
− 将来的に何かやりたいことや、今すでに考えていることがあれば教えてください。
Inês Fernandes (1996 – Porto, Portugal)
Portuguese photographer, graduated in New Technologies of Communication, at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 2017. Since 2019 she is currently working simultaneously as an artist and
freelancer in graphic design, video and photography. Her projects address contemporary themes, often centred on social and environmental issues. She has participated in solo and group
exhibitions in Portugal and Spain, and her work has been shown in various international publications. She currently lives and works in Lisbon, Portugal.
イネス・フェルナンデス(1996- ポルトガル・ポルト)