Li Hui
Shanghai based photographer – Li Hui, utilizes analog techniques to expose inner sensitivity of the subjects.
Unlike other Chinese photographers with eccentric essences in their works, Li Hui’s delicate and emotional style is one of the major factors that catch people’s eye all over the world. As she
mentions in her interview, Li Hui looks forward to pushing herself by taking up commercial works as well as continuing her artistic endeavors. She is one of the photographers we are delighted to be
able to introduce here in Japan.
上海を拠点とする写真家のLi Hui氏はアナログの技法を使い、被写体の内面的な繊細さを表現する女性写真家です。奇抜な要素が多い中国の写真家とは異なり、彼女の繊細で内面的な作風は、世界中で高く評価される理由の
– Firstly, will you tell us how you started photography?
I first noticed the allure of analogue photography when I stumbled upon some Polaroid double exposures online. That was how I initially got interested in film cameras. Afterwards, I realized that
this was the best way for me to make sense of all the images floating around in my head and actually turn them into something real.
– まずは写真を始めたきっかけを教えてください。
– Where are you currently based in?
I’m currently based in Hangzhou and Shanghai, China.
– どこを拠点に活動をしていますか?
– How do you think your past experiences influence your work?
I’m generally a shy person. My personality definitely influenced my work in a lot of ways. My work feels like a part of me.
– 今までの経験がどのように作品に影響を及ぼしていると思いますか?
– You started shooting film in 2009, will you tell us why you chose film? What is the camera that you use often.
Film can be unpredictable. Even if you just take a picture of what you see, you don’t exactly know how it will turn out. So there’s an element of surprise and a greater sense of accomplishment.
I think film gave me the opportunity to learn how to judge the quality of my work and how to calmly reflect on what I’ve been doing, as you always need time and patience for analogue
photography.I started shooting film with the Nikon FM2 and the Pentax Spotmatic. Currently, I’m using a Canon EOS film camera with two different lenses.
– 2009年にフィルムカメラを手にしたとのことですが、フィルムを選んだ理由とどのようなカメラを使用しているか教えてください。
作品を落ち着いて見返し、クオリティーを判断するすべを教えてくれました。最初はNikonFM2とPentaxSpotmaticで写真と撮っていて、今はフィルムのCanon EOSと二種類のレンズで撮影をしています。
– You have mentioned that you are often inspired by paintings or music. Tell us about the works have especially inspired your works.
I’m still exploring these days, but I’m especially inspired by Sandro Botticelli, Egon Schiele, Lucian Freud, Gerhard Richter, Félix Vallotton, and David Hockney. I can always find new details every
time I look at their works. I listen to all kinds of music, folktronica, neoclassical, experimental, but ambient music will always be my all-time favorite genre. Different music can help me realize
different kinds of ideas. It has this magic power that allows my imagination to become something more specific and tangible.
– 絵画や音楽に影響を受けることが多いとのことですが、あなたの作品に大きな影響を与えた作品があれば教えてください。
– We think your use of double exposure in your work creates an interesting surreal atmosphere, however you don’t use it in all of your photographs. What kind of intention do you have when using
this method? What effect does it have?
I think double exposure is just one part of my body of work. I like to keep things fresh and open up new possibilities. I want to keep people guessing what I will do next – still life, an intimate
portrait, a landscape, a double exposure. I don’t want to limit myself, and it’s exciting to look forward to something new. I have a general interest in the subject of the unknown, and I think there
are a lot of different methods to look into this particular subject and explore it from different angles.
I usually shoot double exposures because I have these ideas suddenly pop up in my mind and I want to make them visible to other people. Even if two individual images are combined, they can
harmoniously coexist and echo each other. So I prefer to let my double exposures appear simple, very natural and pure. And this is an unusual and somewhat tricky approach to this technique,
so it’s also a challenge for me.
– あなたの作品でよく使われている多重露光のテクニックは夢幻的な雰囲気を作っていて、とても興味深く思います。しかし、すべての作品には使われていませんよね。どのような時に、多重露光を使いますか?
– Your works have a calm feeling and a comforting humidity to it. What are some points you are careful when choosing your subjects?
I’m interested in subjects that resonate with me emotionally, I love pure and natural characteristics in humans, animals, nature or still life. I want to look beyond, beneath the surface, and find
hidden emotions or untold stories.
– あなたの写真には落ち着きと心地の良い湿度を感じます。被写体を選ぶ上での重要なポイントは何か教えてください。
– In past interviews, you have mentioned that your works were not all about intimacy but more about sensitivity. Would you tell us more about what you think sensitivity is in your works?
Sensitivity allows for more subtle observation and makes it easier to experience everything that surrounds me. This, in turn, helps me approach every subject with my own understanding.
Sensitivity can float around different subjects, it’s not restricted to intimate shots.
– 過去に自身の作品について、Intimacy(親密さ)よりもSensitivity(繊細さ)を大事にしていると言っていましたが、そのSensitivityについて少し考えていることを教えていただけますか?
– Do you have a favorite photographer?
I would say my grandfather. He took some very emotional and poetic landscape pictures that always remind me of what kind of photographer I want to be.
– 好きな写真家はいますか?
– Are you interested in Japan?
Very much. I’d love to go to Japan as often as possible, I really like the air and the feeling of the different seasons. Japanese people have alw ays been super nice to me all these years. The country
offers a lot of surprises that are just waiting to be found. It’s very diverse, I like that.
– 日本に興味はありますか?
– Would you recommend a Chinese photographer you are interested in?
I don’t specifically look for photographers from China, so I’m afraid I can’t recommend anyone in particular.
― 中国の写真家でおすすめな方がいれば教えていただけますか?
– Your artworks are very personal, but have you ever taken up commercial works? Would you be interested in taking up a photography job here in Japan if you have the chance?
This year, I changed my mind on that topic, I’m trying to be more open to the world around me and I decided to take up commercial works as well. I always like a challenge, so that would be a good
way for me to prove myself. A photography job in Japan would be especially fascinating. I always feel a connection with the country, as I’ve been watching so many Japanese movies over the years.
I would like to further develop my abilities and challenge myself in a new environment.
Li Hui (China)
International photographer currently based in Shanghai, China. She started trying to express her feelings through her sensitive personality since 2009. Mostly influenced by cinema, music, nature
and human body. She focuses on visible but easily overlooked intimate details, observing and maintaining this awe of human nature and complexity. Through light and shadow, the focus is on
the intimate relationship between human and nature that becoming her instantly recognizable style. Her work has been featured in a number of publications, and has exhibited and published
several photography books with her own works.