Marcelo Gomes
Marcelo Gomes is a Brazilian-born photographer and director based in New York City. Texture, classicist composition, and bringing his chosen medium (film) to the brink of failure are the main
issues concerning Marcelo’s works. Paintings and music are his biggest sources of inspiration.
– First of all, will you tell us how you got into photography?
I first got into photography whilst working at Index Magazine here in New York. The photos in the magazine were fantastic and I got to meet many great artists like Wolfgang Tillmans and Mark
Borthwick, who used to shoot for us and come around every once in a while. That was a formative experience and made want to start to take pictures.
– 写真を始めたきっかけを教えていただけますでしょうか。
きっかけは、ニューヨークのIndex Magazineで働いていたときに写真を撮るようになりました。この雑誌で掲載されていた作品はどれも素晴らしくて、ヴォルフガング・ティルマンスやマーク・ボースウィックなどの
– Where and how did you study photography?
I didn’t study photography — I graduated the University of Iowa with a degree in Political Science. Working at Index, however, was my ‘art school’ foundation. Much of what I know now is due in
part to being in that environment for almost 4 years.
– 写真はどのようにして学びましたか。
– The colors seen in your work gives a strong impression and uniqueness. Are there any photographers or movies you were inspired by?
I’m inspired by music and painting quite a bit. My Bloody Valentine’s ‘Loveless’ is an influence and marker in my life. When I think about texture in my work I often think it began with this particular
record. As far as painters go my favorites are Vuillard, Bonnard, Delacroix, weird-color-palette-Gauguin, Braque, Mancini, Giorgione, Howard Hodkin… Mauro Restiffe’s photographs are incredible,
he’s a Brazilian photographer. Also the photos of Raghubir Singh are so so, so beautiful. There’s show of his work at the Met Breuer here in New York that is perfect. Leos Carax’s “Les Amants du
Pont-neuf’ is one of my favorite films and it inspires me still.
– あなたの写真は色に特徴があり、印象的ですが、作品に影響を受けた写真家や映画があれば教えていただけますか?
絵画や音楽の影響を受けることが多いです。My Bloody Valentineの「Loveless」というアルバムとの出会いは私の人生の節目です。作品作りにおいてテクスチャーの事を考える時はこのレコードを思い浮かべています。
– Your work is known for your use of beautiful colors. What is something you are careful about regarding the colors in your works? (Including assignments)
My work is a lot of about texture, so sizing, proportion between grain and information is very important. Regarding color, it’s very difficult to explain but there has to be the right amount of
saturation in a way that simply makes sense to me. It’s a very natural process for me, color correcting my images, but one that is very difficult to communicate.
– 前途にあるように、あなたの写真は色が特徴的で大変美しく印象に残ります。作品制作(アサインメント含む)にあたり最も重要としている事は何ですか?
– You do some commercial work for Tiffany or Apple and you must experience some restrictions when working with your clients.
How do you maintain your unique taste in your commercial works under those restrictions?
I really like commissioned work because of new constraints and different challenges. It’s problem solving and it’s fun for me. I welcome the constraints and out of these constraints I sometimes am
able to go places with my work that I wouldn’t have been able to go if I hadn’t been pushed by this new set of problems.
– ティファニーやアップルなどコマーシャル中心の仕事をされており、広告の仕事の際、制約があると思いますが、どのように作品のテイストを維持していますか?
– Have you ever been to Japan? Where would you like to visit if you ever visit?
I’ve been to Japan 4 times. I absolutely love it and wish I could come at least once a year. Unbelievably I have never left Tokyo, so I dream of an assignment in Okinawa in the summer time.
– 日本に来た事がありますか?日本に来たら行ってみたいところはありますか?
– Do you have a Japanese photographer that you like?
I like Takashi Homma’s work very much.
– 日本で好きな写真家はいますか?
– We hear that you are from Brazil. Will you tell us a few Brazilian photographers that you are interested in?
Mauro Restiffe and Alair Gomes.
– ブラジル生まれと聞いていますが、MARCELOさんおすすめのブラジル写真家を教えていただけますか?
マウロ・レスティフェとアレール ゴメスです。
– Your works have an analog feel to it. What kind of camera do you use?
I shoot with a few Leica M6s and 5 different lenses.
– アナログのテイストの写真ですが、どのようなカメラを使用していますか?
– What do you consider is the most important thing when creating your works?
The most important thing for me changes, right now all I can think about is texture. It’s what informs a lot of my decision making whilst editing my work.
An overarching concern is sincerity and uniqueness.
– MARCELOさんの作品制作において一番重要視していることを教えていただけますか?
Marcelo Gomes (Brazil)
Marcelo Gomes has a unique background of entering University of Iowa on a basketball scholarship, which became his first opportunity to come to America. After graduation, he joins INDEX
Magazine in New York and this experience inspires him to become a photographer.
After working as an assistant for Mark Bothwick, he becomes independent and worked for various fashion and culture related magazines,companies such as TIFFANY & Co., Apple, or UNIQLO as a
commercial photographer. His works reflect his South American background in his vibrant choice of colors and lively movement. As if layering colorful veil after veil, carefully constructs a piece of
work. He constantly strives to find a way to make his eccentric style work. We love to have the opportunity to introduce him in Japan.