Pier Costantini
Pier Costantini is a photographer based in Milan, Italy. His deep interest in humanity and his passion for expressing the natural beauty of the human body have led him to create intimate and
delicate images, yet on the other hand voluptuous and realistic, that can be reminiscent of Renaissance sculpture. We are pleased to present about 20 works from his two photographic series
“Human Marble” and “Pelle (Skin)”.
のある作品を生み出しています。この度の展覧会では、彼の作品シリーズ「Human Marble」と「Pelle (肌)」より約20点をご紹介いたします。
-Firstly, will you tell us how you started photography?
My father had a Pentax camera, I started playing with that, he always bought so many rolls and kept the Camera loaded. I liked to photograph my friends, on the street, on a trip, at the beach, in
the summer. A lasting link with photography, even if late, then over time it has become a real work.
-Where is the main base of your current activity as a photographer?
I live in Milan and the main base of my work is Milan.
-Please tell us about the selection of your works for this exhibition.
The photographic series “Human Marble” is inspired by the great masters of the Renaissance (Donatello, Michelangelo, Jacopo Della Quercia, Botero…), who represented through the art of
modeling marble, beauty and harmony of sinuous and formous naked bodies. It was then the female beauty that was most appreciated, considering that the beauty of the time was synonymous
with a full and curvy body, but also athletic and “brave”. In this way, my natural propensity to represent the naked beauty of form through the precision of a lens. Responding to the fluid lines and
the infinite combinations of shape that the human body can create in its spontaneity and immediacy, I photograph the truth that is realized before my eyes, understanding the importance of the
moment that can be lost and not repeated.
Photography links, undoubtedly, what is deeply within us (which we cannot understand or describe) with everything that surrounds us. That’s why I decided to start the PELLE project. Life slips on
the skin, clings, leaving visible traces of our daily choices. The skin does not lie, tells your story to those who are willing to read and listen to it.Wrinkles, signs of expression, but also the color and
tone of our skin are tangible memories of our lifestyle imprinted on the face and body. At the same time, however, it is the last layer of our body subjected to our expressiveness and deeply linked
to our more intimate part: emotions.
シリーズHuman Marbleは、大理石の造形芸術を通してしなやかで形のある裸体の美しさと調和を表現したルネサンスの巨匠たち(ドナテッロ、ミケランジェロ、ボテロなど)からインスピレーションを受けています。
-What messages do you want to convey to viewers through these images?
This is beyond mere voyeurism. It is a sensuality intimately linked to space and pain, a possible representation of a psychic dimension that is met if the body does not find its space, its position in
reality, its dimension, if it is not seen as it really is. Nudity acquires a particular value: the poses of the nudes are naive, shy, but also bursting and consciously sensual. The body is acclaimed in its
ability to seduce the viewer but, also, hidden from the eyes, deliberately soiled, made evanescent.
-We are impressed by your works captured the beauty of human form and its natural attraction. What makes you have this preference of human bodies as subject.
My natural propensity for humanity allows me to satisfy an intimate need to explore the human body in its eternal relationship with the space that hosts it. The human element in my photography
is essential.
Your works have very intimate and emotional atmosphere. Is there anything you are particular about when shooting to create these kind of impression?
When I find myself making these works, I happen to enter as an emotional trance where I visualize the images before taking them, as if I lived a constant dejavu.
– What is the source of inspiration for your photography?
My family, my mom, my dad, my friends, the books I’ve read, the movies I’ve seen, the life I’ve lived. Everything around me is a constant inspiration. When I visit a new city, the first thing I do is to
enter the main church and observe what is kept inside, works, paintings, details, this puts me in strong connection with myself.
-Do you have any particular preference regarding cameras (equipment) you use?
The photographic cameras for me has the same importance as the photographic message, a language is also expressed according to the pen you use to write, so it is for photography. A small and
discreet camera means to go unnoticed, the use of the Flash to communicate a strong presence of the photographer etc.
-Are you currently working as an artist? Or do you also do editorial, advertisement and other commercial works?
I am currently working on personal projects, but I work in parallel on several fronts, editorial, advertisement and commercial works; for me photography is only one, there is no serious A or B series
−主にアーティストとして活動されていますか? もしくは雑誌や広告などのお仕事もされていますか?
-Is there any artist or photographer that has inspired your works?
Yes, for sure. The first photographer who inspired and influenced my work was Peter Lindbergh. I could also quote Alec Soth, Trent Parke, Sally Mann, Nan Goldin, Herb Ritts, Robert Mapplethorpe,
William Klein and many more.
-Are you interested in Japan? Any Japanese Artist you know?
I love Japanese culture and I really hope one day I can stay long in Japan. I’m interested in the art of Nobuyoshi Araki, I love Masahisa Fukase, I highly esteem Rinko Kawauchi and her work
– Please tell us if you have something you want to do in the future or any project you already have in mind.
I want to have more time for myself, for my future projects, there are many, exhibitions, books, research. I can’t stand still, I always need to do things that make my mind move.
Pier Costantini(1975-) is an Italian photographer, based in Milan. His work deals with current social issues, but also intimate and personal, through a subjective approach of continuous research.
Pier’s projects create bridges, connections between men, in a constant comparison with his origins. Through his gaze he expresses and visualizes experiences, transforming them into something
illusory linear and diversified by placing if and time in a perception of change. He always likes to say that his photograph fills a void.