Ronghui Chen
Shanghai based Chinese Photographer Ronghui Chen, known to be concerned with the social issues, has been publishing works regarding environment and urban landscape in China. His works tell
us not only the reality of shrinking city in China but also give us the strong impression and you feel fundamental beauty in them. Here, we would very much like to introduce his works in Japan;
from the series “Freezing Land” and from the series “Christmas Factory”. Hope you all enjoy his works and his interview article below as well.
というだけでなく、作品として力強い印象を放ち普遍的な魅力をも感じられます。 この度は、そんなチェン氏の作品をぜひ日本の皆様にもご覧頂きたく、彼のノンフィクション写真シリーズ「Freezing Land」、
「Christmas Factory」より作品をご紹介させていただきます。下記インタビュー記事も合わせてお楽しみくださいませ。
– Firstly, will you tell us how you started Photography?
I came from a very small town called Lishui in China. When I was in high school, Lishui government built a photography museum, from where I saw a large format camera the very first time.
I remember feeling completely dark in the dark cloth and the world I captured through the focus screen is very different. I felt deeply out of place while seeing those extremely precise details I
ever see. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get my first shoot using this camera since thereʼs no film in it, but I remember this all experience just like yesterday. Later when I went to college, I studied
Journalism. My school program didnʼt provide many courses on photography.
Most knowledge I learnt on photography mainly came from the internet. I went to websites of various museums, galleries as well as photographers like August Sander, Walker Evens and Joel
Sternfeld to see different great works. I started thinking questions like; What is photographing? How photographers explain themselves through their work? What is a good photo? Who is your
favorite photographer and why? is this what I want to be doing in the next 10 years or even my entire life? My curiosity was driven at the same time and that is always how the best new knowledge
is discovered. Learning how these photographers observe the world by practicing and being more determined on photography.
‒ まずはじめに写真を始めたきっかけを教えていただけますか? 私は、中国の麗水市(リーシュイ市)というとても小さな町の出身です。
– Where is the main base of your current activity as a photographer?
I am currently working in Shanghai as a media photographer. So I spend most of my time in Shanghai. But my creations are mainly in various places in China, and I like to shoot on the way.
Currently mainly in the northeast of China.
– 写真家としての現在の活動の拠点はどちらですか?
– What is the source of inspiration for your photography?
I once thought of being a poet who has always liked poetry and prose. Reading poetry and prose has given me a long-standing desire to express.
Finally, I found photography to be a very special way, I can visualize my poetry. What a wonderful way. So, whether it’s taking a break or shooting on the road, I always like to read poetry and there
will be a lot of inspiration.
– あなたの写真制作におけるインスピレーションは何ですか?
ることに気がつきました。なんと素晴らしい方法でしょうか。 ですから、休憩していようが道中で撮影していようが、私はいつも詩を読むことが好きであり、そこには多大なインスピレーションがあります。
– What it the most important thing to you in producing works?
For me, I hope that my work can convey a personal experience of my own, but this experience is based on the common memories or experiences of many people. I hope that my work will allow more
experiences of many people. I hope that my work will allow more people to feel the subtle poetry and cruelty of the real world.
– 作品制作において最も重要だと考えていることは何ですか?
– Please tell us about your photographic series “Freezing Land”?
My project Freezing Land is a series of photos made, on the road, across northeastern Chinaʼs countryside that mixes landscape photography with environmental portraits. It is a story about the
shrinking cities in northeastern China and their lonely young people. I grew up in southern China with warm weather, therefore long for the freezing environment in the north. Iʼm obsessed with a
novel called Tales of Hulan River, which is about the declining northeastern region of China. For years, I couldnʼt shake the scenes described in the book, a scene of ice and snow intertwining with
peculiar characters. Finally, I got the chance to travel to the northeast for a media assignment. I packed my large format camera and flew to the freezing land Iʼve always dreamt of. The northeast
was the wealthiest area in China, bordering Russia and North Korea. With the help of Soviet Union, it developed heavy industries and stayed prosperous for years. This land represented Chinaʼs
communist roots and authoritarianism. But now, it has become the most recessionary land in China, with shrinking cities and declining population. Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping started
a campaign for the “Chinese Dream.” But what does this mean to the young people living in the northeast, the once prosperous land? Whatʼs the story of todayʼs northeastern China? I set out to
see for myself.
-What messages do you want to convey to viewers through these images?
First of all, I hope that everyone can see my work and understand a different China, not Shanghai, not Beijing, or Chengdu, but the story of Northeast China. Secondly, my work is also conveying the
predicament of the Chinese young people, especially the development of the mobile Internet. Many young people live alone in their own world. I think the Japanese audience will have a lot of
– これらのシリーズ作品を通して鑑賞者に伝えたいことは何ですか?
– You seem to have great interest in social issues, but do you have any specific reason to why you are committed to documentary photographs?
On the one hand, when I was in college, I studied radio and television journalism, so I have a deeper understanding of social phenomena.
On the other hand, I like to shoot works on the road, not in the studio. So when I choose to be on the road, I will see many social phenomena, and I will have the idea to shoot these social issues.
However, in essence, these social issues have a very deep relationship with me personally.
– 社会問題に非常に興味をお持ちのようですが、ドキュメンタリー的な写真作品にこだわる理由は何かありますか?
– Do you have any particular preference regarding cameras (equipment) you use?
I use an 8X10 large format camera and color films. On the one hand, I really like the way the large format camera brings me to observe the world.
I can keep a certain distance to observe the world. Let me go through the lens very quietly to experience the outside world. On the other hand, I like to use color films, I think color can also tell the
story, very charming.
– 使用しているカメラ機材にこだわりはありますか?
大判カメラによって、私は世界を観察する際に一定の距離を保つことができます。大判カメラはレンズを通して非常に静かに 外の世界を体験させてくれます。一方で、私はカラーフィルムを使うことも好きです。
– Is there any artist or photographer that has inspired your works?
I really like the American photographer Walker Evens and Joel Sternfiled and Alec Soth. On the one hand, their photographic works are based on the real world, but at the same time they are
looking for mystery and poetry in real life.
– 自身の作品に影響を与えたアーティストやフォトグラファーはいますか?
– Are you interested in Japan? Any Japanese Artist or photographer you know?
I keep a curiosity about Japan. From a cultural perspective, China and Japan have a profound influence on each other.
I know a lot of Japanese photographers like:Nobuyoshi Araki,Lieko Shiga,Shoji Ueda.
– 日本に興味がありますか?知っている日本人アーティストもしくは写真家はいますか?
– Please tell us if you have something you want to do in the future or any project you already have in mind.
I want to tell a story about Shanghai. I have lived in Shanghai for 3 years, but I have been shooting out and rarely photographed Shanghai.
But because I may have to leave here, I really want to shoot here. This is an inner desire drive, so I want to call this series Shanghai Desire.
Still shooting with an 810 large format camera, I am already shooting.
– 今後やってみたいことや、すでに考えているプロジェクトなどがあれば教えてください。
Ronghui Chen (1989- China)
Chinese photographer and storyteller based in Shanghai, whose work focus on Chinaʼs urbanization in long-term projects. He has devoted himself to the study the relationship between Chinaʼs
urbanization and individualʼs experiences. Known for his specific interest in these social issues, he had published his first collection of photographs named ”Chen Ronghui”, which is one of the book
among Chinaʼs Contemporary Photography Catalog.
His projects have brought him many awards, including World Press Photo prize, Three Shadows Photography Award & ALPA special prize and Hou Dengke Documentary Photography Award.
写真集「Chen Ronghui」は、国に置けるコンテンポラリー写真集の代表的な一冊となっています。また、彼のプロジェクトは、ワールドプレス写真賞、スリーシャドウ写真賞、ALPA特別賞、ホー・デンケ・ドキュメンタ