


韓国の写真家 SEOK-WOO SONG が ジェスチャーとパフォーマンスを用いて 人々が互いに交流する方法と それに関わる社会的基盤を探究する

Korean Photographer SEOK-WOO SONG explores the way people interact with each other and social fundamentals involved in it using gesture language and performance


  • さまざまな場所で幼少期を過ごした英国在住の写真家イアン・ハワースが 作品制作を通じて幼少期への郷愁を解き放つ

    Ian Howorth, a UK-based photographer who lived in many different places during his childhood, unleashes nostalgia for his childhood through creating photographic works
  • イギリスの写真家クリス・フリエルは、好きな写真を撮るために長い時間を費やし、過去 10 年間で 100 万枚を超える作品を制作している...

    Chris Friel, British photographer spends a long time trying to take photographs that he likes, to that end he has produced more than a million images over the last decade...
  • -ニューヨークを拠点とする中国人写真家Jiatong Luは 自身のプロジェクト「Nowhere Land」を通じて 米国の医療制度における体系的な誤りに対する人々の関心を促す-

    -NY based Chinese photographer Jiatong Lu raises awareness about the systemic fallacies of the US medical system through her project "Nowhere Land"-
  • コスタリカ人写真家エミリアーノ・ズニガ・エルナンデスが コスタリカの山間部での日常生活とその周辺環境を描きながら彼自身の心の葛藤を語る...

    Costa Rican Photographer Emiliano Zúñiga Hernández depicts his domestic life & surroundings in the mountains of Costa Rica and shares his emotional conflicts...
  • 独自のスタイルで光を用い 親密さをテーマに日常の中に美を見出す 中国人写真家リー・フイ氏が Gallery Photographsに再び登場し新作を紹介!

    Chinese photographer Li Hui, who uses light in her own unique style and finds beauty in the everyday with the theme of intimacy, returns to Gallery Photographs to introduce her new works!
  • ポーランド出身のフォトグラファー ウカシュ・ヴィエルズボウスキが捉えた 親しい人々との相互作用によって生まれる ほんの一瞬の光

    Polish photographer Lukasz Wierzbowski captures fleeting moments of light created through the interaction between intimate people
  • ありふれた物や素材に魅せられた ロシア人写真家 アナスタシア・コレスニチェンコの創作活動は 日用品を感情の視覚表現へと変化させる

    Fascinated by the common objects and materials, Russian Photographer Anastasia Kolesnichenko’s creative practice transforms everyday objects into a visual representation of emotion.
  • 日本人写真家、小川康博が辿る記憶の温かな軌跡

    Japanese photographer Yasuhiro Ogawa traces the warm trail of memories.
    Memories are repeated over and over again, infinitely amplified, and images pour down like a "Cascade", one after another...
  • ポルトガル人写真家アンリ・プレステスが、謎と孤独とメランコリーに彩られた故郷の地を、興味深くシュールなポートレートで表現

    Portuguese Photographer Henri Prestes constructs an intriguing and surreal portrait of his homeland, imbued with mystery, solitude, and melancholy.

  • Spanish Self-taught Photographer Andres Gallego found a form of personal expression, which allows him to realize his ideas and projects in a creative and different way...

    独学で写真を学んだスペイン人写真家 アンドレス・ガレゴ氏が 自らのアイデアを創造的かつ独特な方法で映し出すことのできる オリジナルな表現形式を見出した...
  • Fascinated by the Dead Sea, Israeli photographer Alexander Bronfer captures the moments in a serene space...

    死海に魅せられたイスラエル出身のフォトグラファー Alexander Bronferが 静謐な空間の中で捉えたモーメント
  • Brooklyn-based Artist Rebecca Horne has found her very own visual style and approach to photography, incorporating various elements into it. Then her art works change form from two-dimensional to three-dimensional and become flat again…    

  • French Photographer Anne-Laure Etienne naturally captures atmospheres that transcended time and fashion

    フランス人フォトグラファーAnne-Laure Etienneが時代とファッションを超越した空気感をナチュラルに捉える
  • Australian Aerial Photographer Brad Walls gives us inspiration to look at the world in a new way, evolving our view to uncover the undiscovered beauty in everyday things..

    オーストラリアの航空写真家 ブラッド・ウォールズは、日常の中にある未知の美しさに見るものの視点を進化させ、私たちに新たな世界へのインスピレーションを与えてくれる
  • Italian Photographer Marta Blue represents in her new series “After You” the real memories of her life tracing the focal points of an ancient tale…

    イタリア人写真家マルタ・ブルーが 新シリーズ「After You」で 古代の物語の焦点をたどりながら、彼女の人生のリアルな記憶を表現
  • Polish documentary photographer Tomasz Liboska presents a long-term photographic project on Silesia that is closely connected to his own daily life

    ポーランドのドキュメンタリー写真家トーマス・リボスカが、自身の日常生活と密接に結びついた シレジアにおける長期的な写真プロジェクトを紹介
  • Taiwan based photographer Zhang Ahuei explores surrealism and symbolism, suggesting an examination of another worldliness

    台湾を拠点に活動する写真家 Zhang Ahueiは 異空間のような作品世界を構築し シュールレアリスムとシンボリズムを探求する
  • London based photographer Martin Usborne shows his emotional affinity with animals in a way that is inspired by the painter Velazquez

  • Bangkok-based Documentary Photographer Lek Kiatsirikajorn reflects on his own society and his roots, capturing his home country in a more universal way through images of daily life...

    バンコクを拠点に活動する写真家 Lek Kiatsirikajorn氏が、日常生活の場面を通してより普遍的な方法で母国を捉え、自身の社会やルーツを映し出す...
  • London based still life photographer Aaron Tilley creatively captures an everyday situation in a unique and mischievous way…

  • Aesthetic excursions into a world of illusion oscillating between painting and photography by Finish Artist Sandra Kantanen

    フィンランド人アーティスト サンドラ・カンタネンによる 絵画と写真の間で揺れ動く幻想世界への旅
  • London based Photographer Laura Pannack seeks to explore the complex relationship between subject and photographer. 

    ロンドンで活動している写真家ローラ・パナックが 作品を通して 被写体と写真家の間の複雑な関係を探求する
  • Dutch Artsits Hellen van Meene captures the transient moment between girlhood and womanhood, and creates the timeless world where reality and fantasy are fused together...

    オランダ人アーティスト ヘレン・ファン・ミーネが少女期と女性期の間の儚い瞬間を捉え、現実と幻想が融合したタイムレスな世界を築く...
  • Vancouver based American Artist Barbara Strigel reconfigures spatial relationships and draw out the essential gesture of the figures
    バンクーバー在住のアメリカ人アーティスト バーバラ・ストリゲルが 空間的な関係性を再構成し 人物の本質的な動きを引き出す

  • Norwegian Photographer Ingvild Kristine Melby reflecting the fears for the future of our next generation and the planet we are leaving them

    ノルウェー人写真家イングヴィルド・クリスティン・メルビーが 次世代の未来と彼らに残す地球への懸念を映し出す
  • Dutch photographer Marco van Duyvendijk travels and shoot photographs as if it were a communication between East and West…

  • The Milan-based Italian photographer Pier Costantini captures the fragile, delicate humanity and at the same time powerful vitality

  • NY based Israeli photographer Gili Benita explores Japanese loneliness and solitude culture, weaving his own experience of feeling alone.

    NYで活動しているイスラエル人写真家ギリ・ベニータが 自身の経験を織り交ぜながら 日本の孤独と孤立の文化を探求する

  • US based Japanese Artist depicts the process of the recovery from Mourning, the "Passage" that leads from grief to calm....


  • Portuguese photographer Inês Fernandes explores the finite balance between life, death, and the soul

    ポルトガル人フォトグラファー イネス・フェルナンデスが、生と死、そして魂の有限のバランスを探求する
  • Japanese artist Tomofumi Nakano encourages dialogue between people with different food cultures through his works on the theme of animal carcasses as food

  • It can be a personal, even private truth, but it can refer to something absolutely universal at the same time...

    - アンドラス・ラドシ
  • Swedish Photographer Erik Östensson supersedes the past notions
    and expands the meanings of known objects.

  • Ina Jang
    NY based Korean Artist Ina Jang explores a range of wordplays, rhymes, and exaggerations through lyrical shapes and colors

    NY在住の韓国人アーティスト イナ・ジャンが叙情的な形や色を通して幅広い言葉・韻・誇張表現を追究

  • Boway Young
    Beijing & London based Photographer reflects on humanistic concerns and collective identity confusions.

  • Elise Corten
    An intimate monograph of a mother-daughter relationship. Belgium photographer Elise Corten documented her mother to redefine maternal intimacy.

  • Florian Bong-Kil Grosse
    German Photographer with Korean background Florian Bong-Kil Grosse captured his mother country weaving his feelings and impressions.

  • Evelyn Bencicova
    Weaving various genres and techniques Evelyn creates timeless signature and individual aesthetic.

    様々なジャンルやテクニックを織り交ぜ イヴリン・ベンチコヴァが創造するタイムレスかつ特異な美。

  • Olga Urbanek
    Iceland based self-taught photographer Olga Urbanek trying to capture the sense of isolation and connection.

    独学で写真を学んだアイスランド在住のフォトグラファー オルガ・ウルバネクが孤独と繋がりをテーマに表現する。
  • Patricia Morosan
    Berlin based Photographer Patricia Morosan's Photographic Journey researching the center of Europe.


    Appeals to the death,pain,joy, and the desire for intimacy, the primitive feelings of human beings.

  • Ronghui Chen
    Captured reality of shrinkng city in China, each image gives us strong impression.

  • Alessia Rollo
    A metaphor for our geopolitical situation, quickly transforms reality into myth and myth into reality.

  • Jill Beth Hannes
    Cinematic, dream-like images....stem from own personal experiences.


  • Santiago Forero
    Experiments primarily through self reference using a singular sense of humor.

  • Li Hui
    Chinese Self-Taught Photographer Expand To Make Her Beautiful And Sensitive World.
    Using well the balance of capturing images and the process, express timeless grace.

  • Chris Rhodes
    The Faded Glamour Of Photography By His Rapid-Fire Photo series focuses on streets and daily life.

    ストリートや日常の風景に焦点を当て、 速射された写真作品の儚い魅惑の世界。
  • Ola Lindal
    Transience, magic, invisible things...exploring images on mind by experimental methods using exposure and light.

  • Tim Richmond
    Documentary but not photo journalism... Enabling the viewer to find the meaning by ourselves.

  • Hanna Putz
    Despite seemingly capturing the everyday scenes, the ambiguity of reality and fiction can be attractive.

  • Joel Stevenette
    Examines The Fringes Of Canadian Society And Culture through his works informed by background in design.

  • Maroresjka Lavigne
    Her Beautiful pictures emitting soft light, as if taken in the evening, very mysterious pieces.
